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Source: Rüdiger W. Schwarz

Nature doesn't need people
but we humans need nature.

We have a remote-first strategy.

We always consider whether the requirements for traveling to project locations or customer appointments make ecological sense. When traveling, we make sure to choose suitable means of transport and to achieve full CO2 compensation for our trips by the end of the project. So: less is more! 

Wednesday is outside time...

We support WWF projects in Germany, the researchers and photographers of the National Geographic Society in Washington D.C. or the youth trips of the DJH Deutsches Jugendherbergswerk e.V. as a senior, in order to bring young people closer to nature in all its beauty in the Humboldtian sense and its interrelationships. We want to help protect nature from humans. Not just online, but in the field, forest and meadow, on the mountain or at sea. 


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