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Optimize costs + benefits of your IT projects


Become a project partner to realize your IT projects in transport and logistics more economically successful.

Calculate Costs

"The management's target is clear: we should now save 10 % of the total cost of ownership per year. How can I achieve this systematically?"

Evaluate Benefits

"The 3 IT providers have provided us with great offers, but it is difficult to express their real benefits in Euro.

How do you do that?"

Harvest ROI

“Our Controlling demands from me to calculate our IT projects and prove their ROI. Are there ready-made tools for this?"

Team Meeting Goldrichtig.png

Are you looking for our expertise because you are ...

a Controller or Purchaser who wants to take IT decisions based on neutrally derived economics and efficiency only?

Project Manager who wants to familiarise yourself with suitable methods and tools to better manage the costs + benefits of your own projects?

a Head of Operations and want to make IT investments above € 100,000 in the next few monthsand nothing should go wrong?

an IT Service Provider who wants to demonstrate the value contribution of your remarkable IT solutions for internal and external customers in € ?

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IT cost benefit management once a month

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SEO: Logistics Software Projects SCM ERP TMS WMS LVS MFS with Benefit Benefit Research und Consulting GmbH Rüdiger W. Schwarz Mohammed Bashir Marcus Brüggemann Timo Koch Benefit + Benefit Research und Consulting GmbH Benefits Management Cloud LVS Cloud WMS E + P conveyor technology Industry 4.0 Infor IOT warehouse Warehouse Technology Warehouse Management Logistics Advisor Logistics Software Projects Logistics Consulting Logistics Manager LVS Advantages of LVS Profile Logistics Advisor Logistics Consulting Logistics Manager Prince 2 Zoho Projects Benefits Management Benefit Map Costs TCO SAP EWM TM PSI E + P Infor LVS Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Cloud WMS Cloud LVS Material Flow Control MFS TMS Spedition Transport Management Software Industry 4.0  IOT MES Manufacturing Execution System MES MDE BDE PPS ROI Return on Invest Business Case Software selection Project initiation Project control Project planning Testing Material flow Storage Conveyor technology Storage technology Test management Specification  Specifications Tender Test Training Go Live Migration Benefit Optimization SAP PSI AG SALT Soutions Berlin Potsdam Cottbus Magdeburg Halle Leipzig Dresden Hamburg Rostock Erfurt Wolfsburg Braunschweig Hanover Kassel Hildesheim, Düsseldorf, Vienna, Zurich, Basel, Frankfurt, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Poznan 

Benefit Group ... IT project management with ROI guarantee for your software in transport and logistics + SCM + ERP + TMS + WMS + trade + e-commerce + fashion/lifestyle + logistics service provider + mechanical/plant engineering + 20 years of experience + Benefit Group Rüdiger W. Schwarz + Mohammed Bashir + Berlin + Call us: +49 172 3872 373 + +

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